Awatar użytkownika narys


Dołączył 2015-09-10

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  • 1 dodanych komentarzy

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narys 12:42, 14-09-15 #
Takie e-maile wysyłają jak ktoś się odważy zamówić więcej niz 50:

"Hi dear friend,

Thanks for purchasing from
We are very sorry to inform you that we can only send 50 pcs of this card readers out to each customer as we did not imagine that we could sell 50.000 pcs for just in a weekend time.

Very embarrassed for " not-enough stock " situation but we have to tell you about this and hope you can understand that.
Please get back to us if you agree on sending the 50 pcs out or not and for the rest amount we will refund by paypal in 24-48 hours.
Sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this."

jednak jakiś limit jest..;] Wysłałem dla próby takie zamówienie

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