Cashback z aliexpress i innych 5$+ 2%
Zwrot z popularnych chinskich sklepów od 2 do 5 % + 5$ gratis za zakup powyżej 10$
Strona działa podobnie jak givingassistant
Wystarczy się zarejestrować
Później w wyszukiwarce na stronie topcashback wpisać sklep z którego będzie zakup
Kupić co potrzeba. Ważne by kupowac przez tą stronę topcasback
Po paru dniach przyzna cashback
During this promotion selected members of TopCashback are able to receive an additional Cash Back Bonus of $5 when the below Terms and Conditions are met.
1. To be eligible for the $5 Cash Back Bonus promotion, you must be a member of TopCashback.com.
2. You must make a purchase through TopCashback between March 22, 2016 and 23:59 PST April 8, 2016.
3. You are eligible for a Cash Back Bonus for a maximum of 1 individual purchase.
4. You can earn a maximum of $5 Cash Back Bonus.
5. Tell-A-Friend bonuses will not count as one of your purchases towards the Cash Back Bonus.
6. Your purchase amount should be $10 or more.
7. Cash Back Bonus will appear in your account as a new transaction, only when cash back for the initial purchase reaches the confirmed stage.
8. Cash Back Bonus will be payable when the initial purchase becomes confirmed.
9. If you cancel your order, the Cash Back Bonus will be removed.
10. Only one TopCashback.com account per person is allowed.
11. Cash Back Bonus may not apply to purchases where a Missing Cash Back Claim needs to be investigated to get your purchase to track correctly.
12. TopCashback will not be held responsible for any technical failure or otherwise which prevents participation in this promotion.
Strona działa podobnie jak givingassistant
Wystarczy się zarejestrować
Później w wyszukiwarce na stronie topcashback wpisać sklep z którego będzie zakup
Kupić co potrzeba. Ważne by kupowac przez tą stronę topcasback
Po paru dniach przyzna cashback
During this promotion selected members of TopCashback are able to receive an additional Cash Back Bonus of $5 when the below Terms and Conditions are met.
1. To be eligible for the $5 Cash Back Bonus promotion, you must be a member of TopCashback.com.
2. You must make a purchase through TopCashback between March 22, 2016 and 23:59 PST April 8, 2016.
3. You are eligible for a Cash Back Bonus for a maximum of 1 individual purchase.
4. You can earn a maximum of $5 Cash Back Bonus.
5. Tell-A-Friend bonuses will not count as one of your purchases towards the Cash Back Bonus.
6. Your purchase amount should be $10 or more.
7. Cash Back Bonus will appear in your account as a new transaction, only when cash back for the initial purchase reaches the confirmed stage.
8. Cash Back Bonus will be payable when the initial purchase becomes confirmed.
9. If you cancel your order, the Cash Back Bonus will be removed.
10. Only one TopCashback.com account per person is allowed.
11. Cash Back Bonus may not apply to purchases where a Missing Cash Back Claim needs to be investigated to get your purchase to track correctly.
12. TopCashback will not be held responsible for any technical failure or otherwise which prevents participation in this promotion.
Ocena: 21.21%
Głosów: 33
Komentarze (4)
Jack Strosk
20:24, 23-03-16
Już raz TopCashback wywinął numer. Miał zwrócić zdaje się 10$, potem stwierdził że odda 5$, a jak się ludzie przyburzyli to "hehehe, nie damy więcej i co nam zrobicie?"