100 dolarów w Airbnb:
1. Zakładamy konto na Compathy.net W tym celu musimy mieć konto na fb
2. Na Compathy.net tworzymy dzienniki podróżnika tzn. musimy kliknąć w przycisk "Create a new Travel Collection":
3. Powinniśmy teraz wgrać conajmniej 5 zdjęć. Dodajemy tytuł i opis naszego pamiętnika, do każdego zdjęcia dopisujemy opis i lokalizację.
4. Klikamy "post" i "share" na naszym facebooku.
5. Jutro na mailu znajdziemy kodzik.
Dodatkowo za zarejestrowanie się z linka polecającego ("skorzystaj z okazji") dostaniecie 20 euro na przyszłe rezerwacje (czyli zyskują obie strony) ;)
Promocja jest ważna do 31 sierpnia, kupony niestety błędnie napisałem że są ważne do 31 sierpnia jednak nie wiem do kiedy. Czy mogę prosić o kopię maila? :P
Today we have to say sorry about the delay of delivering airbnb coupon and distributing wrong information about the campaign.
Last night(In Japan time), we got so many application for our campaign with airbnb, which is over our expectation.
Since we need to check all logbooks if they meet conditions or not to apply for the campaign one by one, it must takes a few days to check all logbooks and start delivering coupons.
Also, we have to announce that information about our campaign in websites like below is wrong.
Our original conditions are more strict.
Mail mówi tylko o tym że będą opóźnienia w dostarczeniu kuponów. Wymogi są dużo trudniejsze by otrzymać kupon niż wskazują na to strony. Nic o odwołaniu imprezy:P
Ten mail tylko tak mówi - pewnie wskazuje na inne strony. Po przetłumaczeniu strony z japońskiego wskazuje tylko na poprawność informacji na stronie mamokazje.pl . Czyli należy pamiętać by:
3. Powinniśmy teraz wgrać conajmniej 5 zdjęć. Dodajemy tytuł i opis naszego pamiętnika, do każdego zdjęcia dopisujemy opis i lokalizację.
Wymagania co do otrzymania kodu:
- including 5 pictures and more.
- all pictures have geotag.
- all pictures have episodes which are more than 20 characters.
- got over 10 page views
- its author has proper Facebook account
Hej kuponów nie będzie :(
poniżej wklejam maila jakiego od nich otrzymałem.
We are Team Compathy.
Thank you for your using Compathy and application for our campaign with Airbnb.
Today we have to apologize about it and tell you about a new campaign as amends for it.
Originally, the campaign was organized with Airbnb Japan, only for Japanese people.
However, some foreign website noticed it and distributed in foreign languages (with wrong informaion) and we got applications from countries except for Japan, which overly exceeds our expectations.
Eventually, coupons which Airbnb Japan issued for us has run out.
At first, we apologize to tell you the fact after you applied for our coupon, we are small startup and couldn't have enough time to treat it.
Also We are so sorry that we couldn't controll the distribution of the informaiton and let you waste your time.
On the other hand, We thank you and reflect on ourselves deeply, then decided to start a new campaign for Compathy users overseas as amends for it.
Here is the outline of the campaign so please follow it and we are so happy if you join the campaign.
<Campaign : Best Logbooks Contest>
Term : Until 31st, August (In Japan time)
Prize : 500.00USD coupon for travel accomodation (for 5 people)
Winners : Authors of top 5 logbooks which get the biggest number of "fav" and "wish to go" on Compathy from 7th July 2014 to 31st August 2014(In Japan time)
How to apply : Nothing. (You've already applied for this campaign and we'll tell you if you win, then you can decline the prize if you don't want to apply.)
We are sorry again that chances of the new one are not so big as the campaign with Airbnb,
but we are very happy if you understand the situation and apply for the new one too.